Cynthia Wolley


  • El Granada, CA, USA
  • Email
  • Available for Mentoring

Welcome Message

On this path you will not be told
to leave parts of yourself at the door.
You will not be taught
to reject your body,
or your feelings,
or the whispers of your heart.
You will not be required
to hide imperfections
or work diligently
to change who you are.

All of you is welcome here,
all of who you are.
You are invited to come forth
more and more completely
as your truly authentic self.
Raggedy edges are embraced here,
and even celebrated,
as part of what makes us,
so delightfully,
so divinely human.

Here, you can awaken in wholeness,
fully embodied,
present as conscious awareness,
relaxed, resting in Being,
sharing with others,
living more and more
from your tender heart
as you grow and deepen in Love.

In February, 2012, I was attending a retreat when another participant handed me a copy of Dancing in the Fire, a collection of stories of awakening written by people who were engaged in the work founded by Saniel Bonder and now offered through Trillium Awakening. I stayed up late into the night reading that book. I felt very strongly drawn to this approach to spirituality and personal evolution. I jumped in with enthusiasm, and I have been participating wholeheartedly ever since.

After many years as a spiritual seeker, finding this work changed everything for me, especially the approach of welcoming all of who we are, rather than rejecting parts of ourselves and working very hard to try and eliminate them. I loved the glorious idea of a multi-dimensional Whole Being Awakening.  I attended a long retreat in this work a few months later, and I had my whole being realization in August, 2012.

During my early years in awakened life, I have experienced a great deal of healing, integration, and personal evolution, all of it supported by my involvement in this work. My experience of being myself now is quite different than it was a decade ago. I have much more freedom and ability to be present with what is, rather than being limited and controlled by mostly unconscious governing sentimentalities. I am much more open to and accepting of myself and others; I feel much more at ease and often have a lovely sense of being held and supported by Being. I am not driven by a sense of lack, of needing to find something that is missing, but, rather, most of the time I feel relaxed in the sufficiency of what is. Over time, I have been growing in my capacity to give and receive love, and I have recognized that this is the most important thing in life to me.

All of this feels like an increasingly authentic expression of who I am. The Trillium Awakening approach is what has made this ongoing evolution possible.

I am deeply grateful for what I have received from others in this work, teachers, mentors, and other participants. I feel honored to become a mentor myself, to have the chance to offer to others what has been so wonderfully life-enhancing for me.

I invite you to consider having me as your spiritual friend and companion. I would do my best to give you deep acceptance and support on your Whole Being Realization journey. This could be a wonderful opportunity for us to participate in the flow of love, both human and divine, from one heart to another. Perhaps you would like to embrace this opportunity with me.