
The Community Building Working Group formed in March 2023 with the goal of engaging and building the Trillium Awakening community.  The Group is now at work and is stressing transparency with community members. This webpage is intended to include information on the Group’s activities as well as communications from community members to the Group.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Trillium Awakening Community Building Working Group is to co-create a thriving community, in which each member is not just empowered, but also a source of empowerment, committed to Trillium Awakening’s mission. Our strategy encourages organic growth, fueled by the individual talents and energies of community members. We do not seek to change Trillium’s teachings or organizational structure, but to catalyze a shift towards deeper engagement, mutuality, and collaboration.

Community Survey – Spring 2023

Graphic Summation of 2023 Community Survey
Summation of Full 2023 Community Survey

For those who have not taken the survey but wish to do so at this time, please click this link.

Suggestion Box

As part of our initiative to be more connected with our whole community, we feel it would be helpful for us to receive feedback and suggestions from everyone. Suggestions could include:

  • Community Initiatives you would like to see
  • Feedback about Community calls or current Initiatives
  • General comments about the Trillium Awakening Community and how we can improve
  • Bring our attention to issues or dynamics we may not be aware of
  • Expressing your desire to participate in the Community Building work

Suggestions will only be seen by the Community Working Group and will not be made available to the Teachers Circle or Community unless otherwise specific. If brought to other people, all suggestions will remain anonymous.

Submit your suggestions here.