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COMMUNITY BUILDING MUTUAL SUPPORT FORUM: Attuning, Unfolding, and Deepening in Mutuality with Drew Martinez

June 6 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm PDT

Trillium Awakening

In this second interactive forum, we’ll collectively attune, deepen, and unfold using tools based on Aletheia coaching’s four depth model, Internal Family Systems, and Diamond Approach, all presented through the lens of Trillium’s three petals – Consciousness, Embodiment, and Mutuality.

Aletheia’s approach starts with the recognition that all human beings are manifestations of the fundamental Truth, Goodness, and Beauty of existence itself.

The Four Depths
The depth of Nonduality points to pure consciousness or what in Trillium, some call “Being.” The depth of Presence points to our experience of consciousness and the qualities that naturally arise from it like unconditional love, peace, strength, joy, and compassion. The depth of Process points to the aspects of experience that are “in process” or flow. The phenomenon at this depth, such as energy, emotions, and bodily sensations, might be recognized as impermanent, and ever-changing. The depth of Parts points to the level of reality where we perceive the world as solid, made up of separate parts interacting with each other.

By differentiating these depths, this methodology can help us to bring attunement and support to the places where we might be feeling hurt, stuck, or challenged. In this offering, we’ll engage in some experiential group practice and personal sharing as well as a one-on-one demo if timing allows.

“This work has deeply enriched and expanded my ability to explore my experience in ways that bring wisdom, compassion, and healing. There are many similarities and cross-overs but it’s different enough that it has added a new dimension and richness to my experience of Trillium so I’m excited to share it with the community.”

Drew Martinez



To register, email Allen at: bakerallen444@gmail.com

The explorations done in Mutual Support Forums do not necessarily represent the official teaching of the Trillium Awakening work, but are personal expressions of the presenters own awakening process, their journey and their expertise. When in doubt about the presentation of a specific Trillium Awakening term, please refer to the Trillium Core Teaching Definitions and Resources location in the About section of our website.