Experiencing Five Faces of Divine Source with Tara

Each month on the third Sunday, we explore one or more “faces” of Divine Source. These faces include the multiple dimensions, qualities, and creations of Divine Source that can be directly experienced along the spiritual journey, including Soul, God, Universe, Consciousness, Divine Mother/Father, and relationship with Source. By Divine, I mean beyond creation and control...

Monday Morning Meditations with Bill M

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for 30 to 45-minute meditation sessions with Trillium Awakening teachers. Sessions are free. Newcomers welcome!  The sessions start with introductions before the meditation, which is approximately 25 minutes long. Some teachers may start the meditation with a brief lead-in, but most of the meditation will be in silence. The meditation...

Accelerate Your Awakening, a 5-Month Closed Group with Margit (Course is Full)

Accelerate your awakening by cultivating deep intimacy and trust in a teacher-facilitated, closed group of 6 people. Margit will engage actively with each student, providing tailored, on-the-spot guidance for your unfolding. This focused and committed space will stimulate fruitful awakening opportunities in mutuality, consciousness, and embodiment. Participants will provide mutual support to one another in...

Event Series Mutuality Cafe Mondays with Debi and Bob

Mutuality Cafe Mondays with Debi and Bob

What happens in Mutuality Cafe? The Mutuality Cafe consists of drop-in peer mutuality circles that are facilitated by Trillium Awakening mentors. Peer mutuality circles provide additional opportunities to practice mutuality and explore embodied awakening. These groups are intended to supplement, rather than replace, sittings and personal sessions with Trillium Awakening teachers. Format The mutuality circles in the Café are...

Event Series Tuesday Morning Meditations with Victor

Tuesday Morning Meditations with Victor

  Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for 30 to 45-minute meditation sessions with Trillium Awakening teachers. Sessions are free. Newcomers welcome!  The sessions start with introductions before the meditation, which is approximately 25 minutes long. Some teachers may start the meditation with a brief lead-in, but most of the meditation will be in silence. The...

Event Series Virtual Gazing Sessions

Virtual Gazing Sessions

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for sessions that include meditation, mutual gazing, and very brief check ins. Facilitated by TA community members. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83234103121?pwd=b2N3NmZ6WlZSdm1telE0MldsamJuUT09 You’ll have the opportunity to gaze with several other participants for 1-2 minutes each. Please email events@trilliumawakening.org if you have questions or suggestions for the Virtual Gazing Sessions. While there...

Event Series A Place of Mutual Honoring with Fax & Sharon

A Place of Mutual Honoring with Fax & Sharon

In our monthly recurring sitting we will introduce a Trillium core teaching followed by individual sharing. We aspire to create an atmosphere of mutual honoring that reflects and deepens how we're holding our current dispositions. How to Register Send an email to Fax: fax@lisco.com, phone: 641-472-5678. Limited to 8 Fee range: $10-$30 PayPal to: sharon@lisco.com...

Virtual Gazing Sessions

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for sessions that include meditation, mutual gazing, and very brief check ins. Facilitated by TA community members. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86957004600?pwd=Tm9oV0tPZVJLMnFMbWMzUk15YmRQUT09 You’ll have the opportunity to gaze with several other participants for 1-2 minutes each. Please email events@trilliumawakening.org if you have questions or suggestions for the Virtual Gazing Sessions. While there...

Virtual Gazing Sessions

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for sessions that include meditation, mutual gazing, and very brief check ins. Facilitated by TA community members. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3215748566 Meeting ID: 321 574 8566 You’ll have the opportunity to gaze with several other participants for 1-2 minutes each. Please email events@trilliumawakening.org if you have questions or suggestions for the...

Thursday Morning Meditations with Bill M

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for 30 to 45-minute meditation sessions with Trillium Awakening teachers. Sessions are free. Newcomers welcome!  The meditation sessions start with introductions before the meditation, which are approximately 25 minutes long. Some teachers may start the meditation with a brief lead-in, but most of the meditation will be in silence. The...

Event Series Friday Morning Meditations with Allan

Friday Morning Meditations with Allan

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for 30 to 45-minute meditation sessions with Trillium Awakening teachers. Sessions are free. Newcomers welcome!  The meditation sessions start with introductions before the meditation, which are approximately 25 minutes long. Some teachers may start the meditation with a brief lead-in, but most of the meditation will be in silence. The...