Event Series Virtual Gazing Sessions

Virtual Gazing Sessions

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for sessions that include meditation, mutual gazing, and very brief check ins. Facilitated by TA community members. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83234103121?pwd=b2N3NmZ6WlZSdm1telE0MldsamJuUT09 You’ll have the opportunity...

Virtual Gazing Sessions

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for sessions that include meditation, mutual gazing, and very brief check ins. Facilitated by TA community members. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86957004600?pwd=Tm9oV0tPZVJLMnFMbWMzUk15YmRQUT09 You’ll have the opportunity...

Virtual Gazing Sessions

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for sessions that include meditation, mutual gazing, and very brief check ins. Facilitated by TA community members. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3215748566 Meeting ID: 321 574...

Thursday Morning Meditations with Bill M

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for 30 to 45-minute meditation sessions with Trillium Awakening teachers. Sessions are free. Newcomers welcome!  The meditation sessions start with introductions before the meditation, which...

Monday Morning Meditations with Bill M

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for 30 to 45-minute meditation sessions with Trillium Awakening teachers. Sessions are free. Newcomers welcome!  The sessions start with introductions before the meditation, which is...

Event Series Virtual Gazing Sessions

Virtual Gazing Sessions

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for sessions that include meditation, mutual gazing, and very brief check ins. Facilitated by TA community members. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83234103121?pwd=b2N3NmZ6WlZSdm1telE0MldsamJuUT09 You’ll have the opportunity...