TA Introduction with Tatini (Free)

  Are you curious about the leading-edge of human potential?   Come explore how this path can take you past temporary peak experiences toward the leading-edge of our human potential: embodied...

Virtual Gazing Sessions

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for sessions that include meditation, mutual gazing, and very brief check ins. Facilitated by TA community members. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86957004600?pwd=Tm9oV0tPZVJLMnFMbWMzUk15YmRQUT09 You’ll have the opportunity...

Event Series Virtual Gazing Sessions

Virtual Gazing Sessions

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for sessions that include meditation, mutual gazing, and very brief check ins. Facilitated by TA community members. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7153371841 You’ll have the opportunity...

Trillium Community Call

A thriving community is at the heart of any organization, and we want to feel your contribution to its pulse. These community calls allow us to connect more deeply with each other, which enriches Trillium Awakening and brings us closer to everyone in the heart-space of our community. Come, join our hearts with yours in...

Event Series Mutuality Cafe Mondays with Cynthia

Mutuality Café Wednesdays with Cynthia

What happens in Mutuality Cafe? The Mutuality Cafe consists of drop-in peer mutuality circles that are facilitated by Trillium Awakening mentors. Peer mutuality circles provide additional opportunities to practice mutuality and explore embodied awakening. These groups are intended to supplement, rather than replace, sittings and personal sessions with Trillium Awakening teachers. Format The mutuality circles...