TA Introduction with Tatini (Free)

  Are you curious about the leading-edge of human potential?   Come explore how this path can take you past temporary peak experiences toward the leading-edge of our human potential: embodied...

Virtual Gazing Sessions

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for sessions that include meditation, mutual gazing, and very brief check ins. Facilitated by TA community members. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86957004600?pwd=Tm9oV0tPZVJLMnFMbWMzUk15YmRQUT09 You’ll have the opportunity...

Event Series Virtual Gazing Sessions

Virtual Gazing Sessions

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for sessions that include meditation, mutual gazing, and very brief check ins. Facilitated by TA community members. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7153371841 You’ll have the opportunity...

Virtual Gazing Sessions

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for sessions that include meditation, mutual gazing, and very brief check ins. Facilitated by TA community members. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86957004600?pwd=Tm9oV0tPZVJLMnFMbWMzUk15YmRQUT09 You’ll have the opportunity...

Event Series Virtual Gazing Sessions

Virtual Gazing Sessions

Come, gather together via Zoom videoconferencing for sessions that include meditation, mutual gazing, and very brief check ins. Facilitated by TA community members. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7153371841 You’ll have the opportunity...