Ecology of Mutuality

In the Trillium Awakening path, we tend to talk about mutuality in terms of an exchange between two people – an exchange of deep authenticity. “Being in mutuality” generally implies a willingness to encounter each other vulnerably, with presence and respect, even when things get rough (or perhaps especially then). We can, however, widen the…

My Story

I’m delighted and a little surprised to find myself writing this “teacher bio” — who’d a thunk? Here’s why: once upon a time, when I was little, science was my family’s religion. My parents were “fundamentalist atheists” meaning that they were as vehemently convinced that they had the right view of reality (pro-science, anti-spirituality, and…


The Simplified Short Version of Van’s Evolved Dharma

There is only Ultimate Radiant Divine Being, or the Ultimate Divine Self. Paradoxically, Ultimate Radiant Divine Being is simultaneously both unmanifested and manifested. There is nothing/no thing, no one, no where, and no place that is not Ultimate Divine Being. Ultimate Divine Being is an indivisible singular Supreme Unity. The complete totality of Ultimate Divine…

The Simplified Short Version of Van’s Evolved Dharma – Video

This is a reading of Van’s essay during the Trillium Awakening Teacher’s Circle Mutual Support Forum on March 22, 2020. The full presentation was titled “Exploring the Further Evolution, Elaboration, and Refinement of the Trillium Awakening Dharma – Evolving a dharma that best serves the fullest realization and enjoyment of Radiant Divine Being” by Van…


Trust in God and Tie Your Camel

As a lover of acronyms (they help me learn and remember), I offer up a new one for this time of global pandemic and widespread fear. FEARR (Feeling, Experience, Acceptance, Reality/Revelation) Many of us are feeling fear as we hear about what’s happening in the world, in our country and in our immediate communities. Many…